Marseilles Bank

Easy Ways to Build Up Your Rainy Day Fund

Everyone knows how important it is to save money in the bank each month. Whether you’re saving for a house, a new car, or for a wedding, you likely have your monthly expenses budgeted out. This allows you to stay on track with your monthly expenses and put some aside for your savings. But have you accounted for saving towards a rainy day fund in your budget?

A rainy day fund refers to those smaller, one-time, and usually unplanned expenses that may crop up from time to time. Think car or house repairs, non-emergency medical visits, or travel expenses. This is different from an emergency fund, which you should save more towards if you lose your job, have a medical crisis, or have another financial circumstance. Regardless, it’s essential to have some money saved in your rainy day fund so you don’t have to go into debt for smaller expenses. Best case scenario, you won’t have to use it, and you can move it towards your emergency fund instead!

Though it can depend on your location and the current state of the economy, most experts recommend having roughly $500-$2,000 in your rainy day fund. Even though that’s not a small amount of money, it’s often easier to build up your savings than you think! Here are some easy ways you can grow your rainy day fund:


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